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लिकोरिआ का स्थाई उपचार है ये doctor pradar drops + bc 13 white discharge before periods - आखिर क्यों होता है white discharge -white discharge before period

  • By white discharge before periods - आखिर क्यों होता है white discharge -white discharge before period

लिकोरिआ का स्थाई उपचार है ये Doctor Pradar Drops + BC 13

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white discharge before periods - आखिर क्यों होता है white discharge -white discharge before period

white discharge before periods - white discharge before period or pregnancy.
white discharge before periods.
the white sticky thick vaginal discharge before your period is mainly a form of mucus which is organically produced from the neck of the womb—scientifically .

watery discharge before period. the white sticky thick discharge before your period is mainly a form of mucus which is organically produced from the neck of the womb—scientifically known as cervix.

is white discharge a sign of period coming or pregnancy? creamy white discharge before period.
it is common for a white discharge before period to occur however some forms of discharge may be a symptom of infection...

concern regarding the thick white discharge before period..
few types of contraception can cause brown or red discharge during a period or even between periods... is a thick red discharge before periods considered normal?

thick red discharge or white discharge or blood mixed discharge before the commencement of the periods is completely normal. during the climax when the vaginal wall and the uterus contracts results in the secretion of the thick white discharge provided that this white discharge is odorless and it is not associated with any itching burning discomfort it is not suggestive of infections.
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